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Saturday, 26 March 2016
Mention the areas where economic management in India has led to strength consolidation.
Long history of economic management in India has led to strength's consolidation in many areas. Among the most important areas of strength are the apperarance of an industrial sector which is strong and diversified, gaining food sufficiently, indigenous technological capability growth in several important areas and a steady growth of higher education has helped in creating a large pool of technical talent.
When is crisis in a democracy reflected?
Crisis in a democracy is reflected in the decline of the political parties, abridgement of the role of the nation-state in the public governance due mainly to the incerasing complexity and diversity in public services.
When is cultural modernization sponsored by the forces of globalization, resented?
Cultural modernization, sponsred by the forces of globalization, is resented if it encroaches upon or does not promote the core cultural values of society, its language, social practices and styles of life.
Write a short note on the linguistic Movements in India.
Several linguistic cultural movements are going on in India. Among the major movements are the Jarkhands Movement in Bihar, the Gorkha Land Movement in West Bengal and the Uttarakhands Movement in Uttar Pradesh. There are many other movements in the making based on similar ideology.
What political slogan was given by Indira Gandhi to mobilize the poorer sections of society?
Garibi hatao was the political slogan given by Gandhi to mobilize the poorer sections of society in favour of her party.
Which two revolutions had altered the traditional equilibrium?
The two revolutions -one industrial and the other republican have totally altered the traditional equilibrium.
Explain the term culture.
Culture emanates from the unity of humankind in Nature, but it situates itself as a meta-natural reality. It is mainfested in the technological, mental, moral, social, aesthetic and spiritual achievements of humankinds. it defines the quality of social change as its indicator.
What are the three major intellectual exercises of World Systems Theory?
Wallerstein has developed three major intellectual exercise of World System Theory. It is very rudimentary. These are mainly on: (a) Annales School, (b) Marxist School, (c) Dependence School.
Define World System as done by Wallerstein.
Wallerstein defined World System in 1974 and said that it is an analysis of the system with a single division of labour and having multiple cultural systems.
Discuss about 'spontaneous order' of human relationships.
All neo-liberals believe in the primacy of the 'spontaneous order' of human relationship as exemplified in free markets. They deplore any politics (notably socialism) which pretends to have definitive knowledge of human needs.
Explain neoliberalism.
Neoliberalism, neoclassical libertaianism or libertarianism stands for contemporary version of classical liberalism which seeks to restore laissez faire individualism.
What are the four ideal typical modes to community participation suggested by Midgley?
The four ideal typical modes are: (a) anti-participatory mode, (b) manipulative mode, (c) incremental mode, and (d) participatory mode.
According to the dependency theory, what is the key concern for the backward countries?
The Dependency Theory argues that one the key concerns for the backward countries is the size of their national debt.
What are the three levels of structural dependency of interrelationship? Why did these theories fail?
The structural dependency perspective focuses on the inter-relationship at three levels - the international economy, the nation-state, and the alliance of social classes within the state, Such theories failed to have a long life. They became unfashionable in the 1980s for the main reason that their empirical base was very weak. it appeared that the sociopolitical consequences of underdevelopment and dependency had been worked out without much precision and evidence.
Explain the unified world economy system.
This unified world economy system is three-tiered-the core, semi periphery and periphery.
Friday, 25 March 2016
What does power mean according to Weber?
Power in Weber's sense involves the ability of one or more individuals or groups to realize their will even against the resistance of other.
What does the reductionist Marxian position relate 'power' to?
The reductionist Marxian position relates 'power' to 'capital' or capitalist interest in a sort of one-to-one relationship.
What components are there in new dispensation?
The 'new dispensation' has both normative and operational components.
What is themajor challenge before the developing nation's leaders and administrators?
The major challenge is, how to achieve sustainable development and yet provide basic human need (the provision of food, appropriate habitat, health and education), as well as social justice, removal of poverty and self- reliance with very limited resources'.
The market model of development with freedom has been challenged by other models. State these model.
The market model of development with freedom has been challenged by both the welfare the Marxist models of development.
What is the main criticism of market model of development?
The main criticism against this model has been that it leads to monopoly capitalism and an economy dominated by power of trusts, combines, cartels, multinational and transnational corporations.
What is the principal tenet of the neo-Marxist theory of underdevelopment?
The principal tenet is that underdevelopment of Third World countries is not a stage on the road to capitalism; it is a condition or symptom of their domination by the capitalist world. Advanced industrial societies of the West have throughout been responsible for economic and political underdevelopment of the Third World.
What do environmentalist argue about?
Environmentalist argue that the people of advanced nations should reduce the use of private vehicles and increase the use of public transport and bicycles. They should switch over to consumption of green vegetables and pulses from that of fish and mutton promote the use of wind energy and solar energy instead of coal, electricity and nuclear energy. Environmentalists encourage plantation of trees all over the world.
What is development associated with, in its economic dimension?
Development, when seen in its economic dimension, is associated with the marximization of outputs, economic growth and, in one word, economic development.
What does modernization involve, at a psychological level?
At the psychological level, it involves a change in the norms, values, attitudes and orientation of the people.
What do you understand by development administration?
Development Administration is that aspect of Public Administration which is dominatly goal-oriented and those goals, as Weider points out are progressive in nature. it means the adaptation of existing administrative agencies and creation of new ones so as to develop the needed administrative capability for prompt and effective execution of development polices and programmes.
What are the four features of development indentified by pai Panandikar and Kshirsagar?
Pai Panandikar and Kshirsagar have indentified four features of development, change orientation, result orientation, citizen participative orientation, and commitment to work.
Discuss Article 46 of The Indian Constitution?
The Constitution of India provides for promotion of welfare of the weaker sections through socioeconomic polices embodied in the Directive Principles of State policy. Article 46 states that, 'The State shall promote with special care all the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the people and, in particular, of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Shall protect them from social injustice and all forms of exploitation'.
What formed the basis for the first and second Five Year Plans?
During the First and Second Five Year Plans, emphasis was laid on control of communicable dieases, improvement of environmental sanitation, organizational facilities, training of medical and para-medical personnel, provision of maternity and child-health, services, health education, nutrition and family planning.
What strategy of development was adopted by India to reach the Nehruvian vision of a socialistic pattern of society?
India adopted strategy of development through democratic planning within the framework of a mixwed ecpnomy to reach the Nehruvian vision of a socialistic pattern of society.
Why was it essential for India to important the Structural Adjustment Programme?
India had to implement the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) for entailing reduction in fiscal deficit, doing away with subsidies, deregulation of the economy, disinvestment of government equity shares in PSUs, reduction of custom duties and encouragement to foreign investment leading to more open economy, financial reforms, market determined exchange-rate, reform of the stock-exchanges and reduction of bureaucracy.
Why is modernization regarded as a comprehensive phenomenon?
Modernization is regarded as 'comprehensive phenomenon as it brings about radical changes in the field of economic development, mainly in the direction of industrialization and material systems and also changes in the nature and psychological spheres of life'.
Why is development considered an universal phenomena?
Development is a universal phenomenon, universal in the sense that it is a worldwide concept which means different things in different contexts.
How has JR Mittelman defined development?
JR Mittelman has defined development as the increasing capacity to make rational use of natural and human resources for social ends.
Why was the concept of development evolved in social sciences?
The concept of development was evolved in the sphere of social sciences for the guidance of new nations who won their independence after the Second World War (1939 - 45)
What do economists argue about economic development?
Economists argue that economic development at best can be achieved through a deliberate unbalancing process in the economy in accordance with a predesigned strategy.
Why is the demonstration effect important?
The demonstration effect id important in increasing consumption, but it may also increase capital formation.
Who as Naoroji?
Naoroji made a remarkable contribution to the study of indian national income. He was interested in comparing the per capita income in India and England, but with the particular aim of demonstrating the higher burden of taxation in India.
Define economic growth?
Economic growth is defined as a sustained increase in the real per capita income. the growth depends on three crucial factors, namely, availability of resources, investment and increasing efficiency.
What were the characteristics associated with Gerschenkron's Spurts stage?
Certain characteristics which are associated with this stage are the discontinuity of the start, the producer goods compared to consumer goods, the emphasis of plant and enterprises, the coercive role of institutional mechanism to finance investment by exercising pressure upon consumption, and the inability of the agricultural sector to provide a growing market for industrial goods
Professor Rostow has classified the process of economic growth into five stages. Discuss.
Professor Rostow has classified the process of economic growth into five stage which are stage of traditional society, stage of precondition of takeoff, stage of maturity, and stage of mass consumption.
Define growth.
Growth has been defined as the 'steady increasing capacity of the economy of the country'.
How is development defined by those who associate development with modernization?
Development is defined as an attitude towards equality of opportunity, capacity of the political system to make policy and carry it out, differentiation of political functions, development of industrialization, growth of markets and widening of economy.
Thursday, 24 March 2016
What do you mean by underdevelopment?
Underdevelopment is usually understood as the absence of development, the opposite of development. In other words, it is considered to be something that is stagnant.
The development debate during Independence revolved around the three approaches. What were these?
The three approaches were the Bombay plan, the Gandhian approach, and Nehru,s approach.
What do You understand by development?
Development is a universal phenomenon, universal in the sense that it is a worldwide concept which means differently in different context. Development is a multidimensional process involving changes in structures, attitudes, and institutions as well as acceleration of economic growth, reduction of inequality and eradication of poverty.
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
Describe the changing relationship between the author and this grandmother, did their feelings for each other change?
During his boyhood, the author was completely dependent on his grandmother. She was a part of his life. The turning point in their friendship came when they went to the city.
Monday, 7 March 2016
What is ANOVA?
ANOVA is an important statistical tool for analysing statistical data and comparing the sample means. it is used to compare more than 2 sample means.
What do you understand by analysis of data?
Analysis of data is the process of transformations data for the purpose of extracting useful information, which in turn facilities the discovery of some useful conclusions.
What are open ended questions?
Open ended questions are questions which do not require specific responses.
Which is the most common method to study behavious sciences?
The observation method is the most common method to study behavioural sciences.
Name the three most common methods of drawing a random sample.
The three most common methods are
- Fish bowl draw method
- Using table of random umbers
- Method of computer determined randomness
What are the two reasons for incorrect inferences arising out of sampling?
There are two reasons for incorrect inferences arising out of sampling.
They are:
They are:
- Systemic bias
- Errors in sampling procedure
What is a 'census'?
A census is a count of all the elements in a population and a determination of the distribution of their characteristics, based on the information obtained for each of the elements.
How are samples categorized?
Most samples can be categorized into two types:
- Probability sampling
- Non-probability sampling
Name the different types of hypothesis?
Types of Hypothesis
- Causal hyppothesis
- Descriptive hypothesis
What are the steps involved in research?
Steps involved in research
- Prepare a general statement of the problem to be studied
- Surveying the available literature
- Developing ideas through institution and discussions
- Formulating a working definition
Name the various types of experimental designs.
The various types of experimental designs are as follows:
- Pre-experimental design
- Quasi-experimental design
- True experimental design
Name the research designs that are classified on the basis of the study performed during the research.
Several research design are classified on the basis of the study performed during the research. They include:
- Research design in exploratory research studies.
- Resrarch design in descriptive studies.
- Research design in casual research studies.
Name the three types of coding?
There are three types of coding:
- Open coding
- axial coding and
- Selective coding
What are the three purposes served by texts in qualitative research?
Texts serve three purposes in qualitative research.
- they are not only the essential data, but basis for interpreting and communicating the findings
- texts are seen as an instrument for interpretation of social reality
- interviews comprise the data that are transformed into texts.
What is the primary aim of qualitative research?
the primary aim of qualitative research is to gain insights into any phenomena of interest to the researcher.
Friday, 4 March 2016
How is a Research plan useful?
The research plan is the written format of the research that is to be undertaken. This is useful:
- For organizing thought, ideas and concepts, clearly and well
- For develop a checklist of all materials needed for research.
- As a preparatory document that is available for scrutiny.
What does a research process include?
Research process includes steps or a series of actions and logical sequence of these steps to carry out research effectively.
Why is social science research extremely significant?
Social science research is extremely significant in terms of providing practical guidance in solving human problems of immediate nature.
Why do philosophers and thinkers use conceptual research?
Philosophers and thinkers generally use the conceptual research for developing new concepts and for reinterpreting the existing.
Name some thinks who were strongly associated with structuralism.
Thinkers who are strongly associated with structuralism include anthropologist claude Levi-strauss, linguist Ferdinand de Saussure, Marxist philosopher Louies Althusser, the early literary works of psychoanalyst Jacan Lacan, the early literary works of theorist Roland Barthes and the semiotician Algirds Greimas
Which cultural fields have been impacted by post-modernism?
Post-modernism has had an impact on different cultural fields, inclusive of religion, literary criticism, sociology, linguistics, architecture, history, anthropology, visual arts and music.
Define 'post-modernism'.
Post-modernism is a philosophical movement that is different from the point of view of modernism.
What does 'objectivity' indicate in a research?
Objectivity indicates that the subjectivity of a researcher can empower him to precisely understand the world in its true state.
How does quantitative methodology motivate the researcher?
Qualitative methodology motivates the researcher to mirror the values and objectives brought by him in to his research and the manner in which they influence the research project.
Thursday, 3 March 2016
Critically analysis India's National population policy.
The goals of the National Population Policy 2000 are to:
i. Address the
unmet needs for basic reproductive and child health services, supplies and
ii. Make school
education up to age 14 free and compulsory, and reduce drop outs at primary and
secondary school levels to below 20 per cent for both boys and girls.
iii. Reduce infant
mortality rate to below 30 per 1000 live births.
iv. Reduce maternal
mortality ratio to below 100 per 100,000 live births.
v. Achieve
universal immunization of children against all vaccine preventable diseases.
vi. Encourage
marriage of girls after 18 years of age.
vii. Achieve 80 per
cent institutional deliveries and 100 per cent deliveries by trained persons.
Achieve universal access to information/counselling and services
for fertility regulation and contraception with a wide basket of choices.
ix. Achieve 100 per
cent registration of births, deaths, marriage and pregnancies.
x. Contain the
spread of AIDS and promote greater integration between the management of
reproductive tract infections (RTI) and sexually transmitted infections (STI) and
the National AIDS Control Organization.
xi. Prevent and
control communicable diseases.
xii. Integrate
Indian Systems of Medicine (ISM) in the provision of reproductive and Child
Health Services and in reaching out to the households.
Promote vigorously the small family norm to achieve replacement
levels of TFR.
xiv. Bring about
convergence in implementation of related social sector programmes so that
family welfare becomes a people –centred programme.
Explain the measures adopted under family welfare Programme in India.
The main focus
of any population policy is the welfare of the country. It aims at a balanced
population so that the country will develop the maximum and each individual of
the country lives in a satisfactory socio-economic environment. The objectives
of a population policy can be understood under country lives in a four categories:
i. Economic: One
of the main objectives of the population policy is to maximize the per capita
income, per capita housing and food availability; provide employment,
nourishment, education; and improve national production and productivity.
ii. Political: A population
policy aims to provide justice, peace, freedom and equality. Thus, a democratic
system of government is the main factor here.
iii. Ecological and
Environmental: This is the most important aim of any population policy. It aims
to bring ecological and environmental balance. Urbanization and industrialization have to be considered
while achieving this objective. People are very concerned regarding the destruction
of nature dub to population growth. Therefore, this is taken care of in this
objective of the population policy.
iv. Sociological: This
objective of the population policy is to obtain a quality population. It tries
to enhance the level of education, cultural and aesthetic aspects, good health
and security services. These aims can be achieved by keeping the population at
an optimum level.
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